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Fundamental research for understanding the structure and internal interactions of atomic nuclei is performed both with theoretical modelling and experimental activities at accelerator-based facilities with state-of-the-art detector arrays for radiation detection. With these techniques, the complex quantum behaviour of this many-body proton/neutron system can be probed e.g. with measurements of excitation energies and lifetimes at extreme angular momentum and in nuclei far from stability. With our long experience in radiation detector technology our research activities also include several applications of nuclear- and radiation physics, such as advanced detector techniques for nuclear safeguards, micro/nano dosimetry in radiation therapy fields, and underwater radon measurements for finding earthquake precursors.

A large part of our research activities is directly concerned with novel nuclear reactor designs, including the many safety aspects related to these systems. This includes design and safety of Gen III+ light-water reactors, Gen IV reactors, and Small Modular Reactors (SMRs). Several projects in the NSE division focus on nuclear power safety, including research on thermal-hydraulics and severe accident phenomena in both existing and future nuclear power plants. The research groups in the NSE division have decades of experience in method development in the relevant research fields, including Monte-Carlo simulation of reactor core designs, thermo-mechanic and thermal-hydraulic modelling of nuclear plants, heat transfer in super-critical water, modelling of severe accidents, and modelling of future nuclear fuel cycle scenarios.

The behaviour of materials is a crucial aspect for designing reactor systems. An important part of our research activities are therefore connected to material physics, both in connection to radiation damage and to interaction between reactor materials, e.g. lead, steel, and fission products. This involves both advanced modelling and computer simulations and experimental research.

Our research is coordinated by our senior faculty and research staff in the list below. For more information on the research and contact information, follow the links.

Table 1:PI:s of the NSE division at KTH and their contributions to projects and supervision


Ongoing projects relevant to new nuclear power

Postgraduate students to be supervised during 2024-2027

Prof. Pär Olsson

  • SUNRISE (Sustainable Nuclear Energy Research in Sweden) [Centre Director]
  • Euratom: OperaHPC (Open HPC thermomechanical tools for the development of eATF fuels)
  • Euratom: CONNECT-NM partnership on nuclear materials
  • Solstice – development, commission and use of advanced reactor test facility [KTH coordinator]
  • VR and Eurofusion projects on radiation damage effects in advanced nuclear structural materials
  • 8 PhD students
  • 16 MSc students

Prof. Sevostian Bechta

  • ANItA (Academic-industrial Nuclear technology Initiative to Achieve a sustainable energy future)
  • Analyses of severe accidents and radiological consequences of SMRs
  • Severe Accident Research and Knowledge Management for LWRs (SEAKNOT)
  • Computational Thermodynamics in Severe Accident Analysis
  • In-vessel corium melt retention in SMR of PWR type
  • 8 PhD students
  • 3 MSc students

Prof. Bo Cederwall

  • Nuclear non-proliferation, safeguards and detection of special nuclear materials projects
  • Experimental nuclear physics (FAIR, AGATA, ...)
  • 3 PhD students
  • 6 MSc students

Prof. Ayse Nyberg

  • Experimental nuclear physics, Sn-102 etc. (KTH/UU)
  • EURATOM: artEmis project (coordinator)
  • 1 PhD student
  • 3 MSc students

Prof. Janne Wallenius

  • SUNRISE (Sustainable Nuclear Energy Research in Sweden)
  • Euratom: PATRICIA (Partitioning and Transmutation Research Initiative in a Collaborative Innovation Action)
  • 2 PhD student
  • 6 MSc students

Assoc. Prof. Torbjörn Bäck

  • Lifetime measurements in atomic nuclei (KTH/UU)
  • Experimental nano-dosimetry (KTH/SSM)
  • EURATOM: artEmis project
  • 2 PhD students
  • 6 MSc students

Assoc. Prof. Weimin Ma

  • Analyses of natural circulations in advanced water and lead cooled nuclear reactors
  • Analyses of severe accidents and radiological consequences of SMRs
  • 10 PhD students
  • 6 MSc students

Assoc. Prof. Pavel Kudinov

  • Euratom: PASCAL (Advancement of the safety research on innovative heavy liquid metal cooled reactors)
  • Risk Oriented Accident Analysis Methodologies (ROAAM+)
  • HYMERES-2 Containment thermo-hydraulics
  • SUNRISE (Sustainable Nuclear Energy Research In Sweden) [WP leader]
  • Solstice – development, commission and use of advanced reactor test facility
  • 10 PhD students
  • 10 MSc students

Assoc. Prof. Jan Dufek

  • Application of artificial neural networks in reactor physics calculations
  • Linear and non-linear Monte Carlo neutron transport method development
  • 3 PhD students
  • 6 MSc students

Assoc. Prof. Chong Qi

  • Theoretical nuclear physics
  • 2 PhD student
  • 6 MSc students

Dr. Dmitry Grishchenko

  • Euratom: FREDMANS (Fuel Recycle and Experimentally Demonstrated Manufacturing of Advanced Nuclear Solutions for Safety)
  • Euratom: McSAFER (Advancing the safety research for SMRs by combining experimental investigations and numerical simulations)
  • SEMRA (Steam Explosion Modelling and Risk Analysis for light water reactors)
  • SUNRISE (Sustainable Nuclear Energy Research In Sweden)
  •  Solstice – development, commission and use of advanced reactor test facility
  • 3 PhD students
  • 8 MSc students

Dr. Andrei Komlev

  • In-vessel corium melt retention in SMR of PWR type
  • 1 PhD students
  • 2 MSc students

Dr. Haipeng Li

  • SUNRISE (Sustainable Nuclear Energy Research In Sweden)
  • Solstice – development, commission and use of advanced reactor test facility
  • 4 MSc students

Dr. Sara Bortot

  • SUNRISE (Sustainable Nuclear Energy Research In Sweden)
  • NuProShip (Nuclear Propulsion for Shipping)
  • 1 PhD student
  • 4 MSc students

Dr. Peter Szakalos

  • Euratom: Innumat – Innovative structural materials for fission and fusion
  • SUNRISE (Sustainable Nuclear Energy Research In Sweden)
  • 3 PhD students
  • 4 MSc students

Dr. Mikael Jolkkonen

  • Euratom: FREDMANS (Fuel Recycle and Experimentally Demonstrated Manufacturing of Advanced Nuclear Solutions for Safety)
  • SUNRISE (Sustainable Nuclear Energy Research In Sweden)
  • 1 PhD students
  • 6 MSc students

Sean Roshan

  • ANItA (Academic-industrial Nuclear technology Initiative to Achieve a sustainable energy future)

  - 2 MSc students