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Bachelor theses project

Welcome to do your Bachelor thesis project at the Department of Physics. We offer projects of both theoretical and experimental character in a wide range of areas in physics.

Find a project

Please find the project list for spring 2021. Read and find something that interests you. Feel free to contact the supervisor if you have any questions about the projects.

Projects for 2024: KEX-projekt_Fysik_2024.pdf (pdf 1.2 MB) .

(Projects from previous years are here KEX-projekt_Fysik_2023.pdf (pdf 1.6 MB)

KEX-projekt_Fysik_2022.pdf (pdf 2.9 MB) )

Please choose 3 projects which interest you and email them to  and/or , before December 1.

We try as far as possible to satisfy your wishes and will assign the projects to you in December.

Course web

General information about the course can be found at the Course web

General questions

General questions about the Bachelor thesis projects at the physics department may be directed to the Coordinators.


Jack Lidmar
Jack Lidmar associate professor 0737652021 Profile
CONDENSED MATTER THEORY AlbaNova University Center Room A4:1081